Dentures, like most things are susceptible to breakages. After all, they are only made of plastic…well, polymethyl methacrylate acrylic but let us keep it simple. The question you must ask yourself is why have they broken?
Everybody’s mouth is different and just like the rest of our bodies, over time, our mouth changes too. Because of this change dentures start to break because they are no longer fitting your mouth as well as they used to. Did you know you are supposed to renew your dentures approximately every five years!!!!

Broken denture

Repaired denture
A denture breakage, unless you have accidentally dropped them…whoops! generally starts with a hairline crack where your chewing forces are unbalanced across your denture which applies unbalanced pressure. This is generally a slight rocking motion, like a seesaw, although you do not generally feel this happening. If you are unaware of the crack, further pressure with result in the denture fracturing altogether.
So what can we do?
Well…at the Denture Shop our fully trained and qualified Dental Technicians can repair your denture and we understand you need them back to their best immediately.
The process of a denture repair is where our Dental Technician starts by making a matrix of your denture. This ensures the denture is kept in the original position and layout which adapts to your mouth. The broken area of acrylic is then replaced with new acrylic which is chemically bonded via a curing process. Our Dental Technician then ensures the new material is smoothed and polished to blend into your original denture shape to keep your denture comfortable to wear.
At the Denture Shop we provide a same day service for your general repair from just £40. This is by appointment only so please call to arrange a time to bring your denture in for repair.
If your dentures break regularly, you may need either a spare set of dentures or maybe you are ready for a new set. If so… feel free to book a FREE consultation with one of our professional Clinical Dental Technicians.
from £40